Brian Krogh

Growing a public speaking coach's reach with a clearly articulated message


Brand Strategy




Visual Identity


Web Design


Web Development



I worked with public speaking coach, Brian Krogh, to create a brand with one clear message—that anyone can inspire others to action by presenting clear ideas with confidence, and building bridges with listeners.

See the Website


Through multiple conversations and brainstorm sessions, we crafted a strategy to further establish Brian's business and accelerate sustained growth. Our strategy centered around what was already key to the success of his clients—positioning Brian in a way that would be genuine to him and relatable to his audience so that he could build meaningful connections with his client base. Key to this was shifting Brian's name from BK Presentations to Brian Krogh—placing his personality at the center of his brand.

Key Message

Present ideas that inspire action.

In a noisy and busy world, Brian helps people inspire their audience to action by speaking with clarity and confidence.


Brian’s training goes beyond surface manifestations of poor communication and boring presentations, to help speakers be focused and confident in their voice and message.

His focus on the fundamentals makes him free from static, and inflexible programs and instead focus on client success.

His experience in university settings gives him a warm and approachable manner—avoiding the stale corporate norm.

Key Values

  • Engage Holistically: People need more than tools and principles to succeed. 
  • Focus on Action: Brian’s clients are ambitious and goal-oriented. 
  • Help Others Succeed: Client success is more important than sophistication and appearances. 

Brand Design

Based on these foundations, I built a visual identity for Brian that brought forward personable and organic elements, pushing against the often stale and corporate approach of competitors. The design used his initials and built upon ideas of connection and forward movement. Throughout all designs, I sought to bring in moments of delight and adequate breathing room to further increase clarity and give viewers a feeling of ease that would contrast with their fast-paced lives.

Digital Design and Tools

With ever changing algorithms and strategies present on social media, we wanted to build a website that could act as a longterm hub of communication and provide potential clients with a place to learn more about Brian and his approach. I built Brian's website on the Webflow CMS and designer, making it straightforward to launch and maintain in the future.

Primary Mark

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Color Pallette

Primary Blue

Bright Blue

Aged Gold

Pale Blue

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